
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm no grammar expert, but...

I've never claimed to be an English teacher. I never will. However, I do try to be as grammatically correct as possible. Apparently, I am part of a select group that feels that way. Facebook has made it abundantly clear that the majority of people either do not care if they use improper grammar or do not know they're using improper grammar. I'm not sure which is worse. I'll admit it; southerners are the worst offenders.

Incorrect use of words bothers me more than anything. I mean, really bothers me. Like, it's a good thing I don't believe in violence bothers me. Below are some of my biggest grammar pet peeves.

"want" being used when "won't" is appropriate or vice versa
Ex) I want be going to the basketball game.
Ex) I won't that new video game. 

"your" being used when "you're" is appropriate or vice versa
Ex) Your the nicest person I know.
Ex) You're new car looks great!

"to" being used when "too" is appropriate or vice versa
Ex) I like that song to.
Ex) I'm going too the park today. 

Dear Facebook (and southern) friends, I implore you, try to remember what you learned in elementary school! You're making the rest of us southerners look like idiots!

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