
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Half Marathon Update

My 8 week pre-conditioning program is over. That's right folks, you've been listening to me ramble about running for 8 weeks now. Can you believe it? My actual half-marathon training starts this week.

Here are a few details about my training...

Weeks until half marathon: 21
Run Days: Tuesdays, Thursdays
Cross Train Days: Wednesdays, Fridays
Long Run Day: Sunday
Off Days: Mondays, Saturdays 

Since the time change, it is already dark when I leave work. That means no more running outside during the work week. So, I joined the YWCA. The membership fee is only $40 a year! It is not as fancy as the YMCA, but it has treadmills, ellipticals,  bikes, and an indoor swimming pool which is all I really need. And, all the proceeds go to their social programs. My point is this, if there is a YWCA in your area you should check it out because it may be a great low cost alternative to a gym membership.

What are you guys doing to stay active during the cold months? I'm always curious about people's fitness routines. 

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