
Friday, March 29, 2013

High Five For Friday!

Happy Good Friday! I hope you are going to set aside some time to spend with your family this weekend. Kris works until 3pm on Sunday, but after that we're spending the afternoon together. I"m praying it doesn't rain, because I'd love to be outside!

Kris has been talking a lot about redoing our backyard. Well, not redo, I guess. It's never really been done. The builder just threw some seed and hay down and left the rest to us. When it rains we have a muddy mess, and that really needs to stop. Kris is the guy who's going to stop it.

Aside from laying sod, we (and by we I mean Kris) are going to extend our patio and build a fire pit. I've been doing my part and scouring Pinteret for design, furniture and decorating ideas. Here are my top 5.

1. Love this, love this, love this! Do I really need to explain? 

2. I like the idea of recycling pallets or using reclaimed wood 

Source: viaJessica on Pinterest

 3. This just looks like a place I want to sit down and have a glass (or bottle) of wine

4. The casual elegance of this look really appeals to me

5. This feels so crisp and clean, I like it a lot

Happy weekend, bunnies! Linking up for H54F!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's OK

It's March 28, and it is 28 degrees outside. I live in Tennessee. This should NOT be happening to me. I know I've been whining like a baby about the weather for what seems like months, but I cannot get over how effing cold and rainy it has been here. But, for you, I'll stop and get on with today's post.

I'm linking up for It's OK Thursday again. Sometimes you need to just have a cocktail and tell yourself it's all going to be OK. Unless you're at work, then you shouldn't have a cocktail. You should wait until you get home. Unless you're a bartender or a wine rep or something like that, then feel free to booze it up and have one for the rest of us.

It's OK...

For me to go to the J.Crew Factory Store on Saturday and shop til I drop. 50% off everything is too good to pass up.

That I have zero desire to do anything today.

To be addicited to TV Land re-runs.

To want the weekend to hurry up and get here

For two people in love to get married, regardless of gender.

What's OK with you this week?


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I've Got the Blues

I had some girl time and experimented with nail polish. I'm calling this my I've Got the Blues Manicure. I know, really original.

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I'm loving blue for spring and not just on my nails. Here's what else I'm loving!



Sheath dress / Old Navy fitted blazer / GAP gathered skirt / J.Crew glitter platform pumps / Banana Republic handbag / Banana Republic scarve / J.Crew wide brim straw hat


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Style Statement Tuesday

My co-worker calls Tuesday the armpit of the week. Another friend calls it Monday's evil twin. I call it Style Statement.


Here's what's up.

This week's Pinterest inspiration look is probably my favorite of the three. It looks crisp and clean. Also very classic. I just love it. It's totally me and fits 100% with my 'Classic Pretty' style statement. Here are my takes. Yes, takes. I couldn't decide on just one look.

Jacket: Target; Top: Banana Republic Factory; Belt: NY&Co: Jeans: Gap Factory; Bag: Nine West; Shoes: Old Navy

Jacket: The Limited; Bag: Cole Haan; Watch: Michael Kors

You might notice that I changed some things. For starters, I do not own anything Hermes. So, there's that. Secondly, I don't really look great in yellow. My skin just doesn't jive with it. In my first look, I changed the jacket to black and changed the bag to yellow. In the second look, I changed the jacket to pink. I didn't use a sparkly necklace, but instead chose a jeweled top to mimic the look.

Also, the photographer (my husband) was getting irritated with me because it was snowing and the wind was blowing like crazy and he was ready to get this over with. That explains the poor picture quality, the crazy hair, and the shortage of pictures. You'll just have to forgive me on this one.

I think the black jacket mixed with the yellow bag looks good. I like the mix of texture and brown with black. Call me crazy, but I love this bag.

I've had this pink blazer for about a year and have worn it only once or twice. I've just never felt comfortable in it. So, automatically I'm self-conscious about how I look in this. I do like the pop of color, but overall I think the black jacket looks the best for sure.

Which do you like best?

Link up and share your style! I'm also linking up here, here, and here.


Monday, March 25, 2013


It's Monday and that means back to the grind.

Nothing happened the way I planned this weekend. In a good way, though.

I was dog tired after work on Friday and decided to skip yoga. That meant I got to watch Real World Season 1 all night long. It was fab. Then my husband brought me home a cupcake. I died and went to heaven. Everybody knows the only thing better than Retro MTV is Retro MTV with a cupcake.

Saturday I was supposed to get up early and watch Kris run a 6k. He was such a doll and let me sleep in. Then I took Five to the park and she had the best time. I froze to death, but it was worth it. A happy goldendoodle = a happy goldendoodle mom.

Sunday, Kris didn't have to be at work until 3. We went to brunch and celebrated with mimosas, of course! We hung around the house all afternoon, and I went to yoga as he went to work.
Not an inch of my house was cleaned, but my relaxing weekend was just what the doctor ordered. Now, if only the doctor would order a week of lying in bed...
Happy Monday, bugs! Linking up here for Weekend Shenanigans.
Source: viaJessica on Pinterest

Friday, March 22, 2013

High Five For Friday

It's that time again, Time to link up for High Five For Friday. To celebrate the end of another work week and 2 days of downtimes, I've prepared a little cheer for you.
Yay, Friday! Suck it responsibility!

Good, right? I know, I'm pretty talented. It's a gift, God-given.

OK, jokes aside, this week really wasn't so bad. I have no idea what I did with myself these last 5 days, but it went by pretty quickly so no complaints here. I also have some great things going on this weekend. I'm going to hot yoga, cleaning my house, and watching a whole lotta Real World on MTV. I think this one of those weekends the kids would call "epic."

On that note, here are my five for the week.

1. I did the caviar nail thing last weekend. Pretty cool looking, but it felt kind of weird
2. Um, it's supposed to be spring.

3. After 1.5 years of marriage, I'm finally changing my passport

4. Love these instagram prints from Social Print Studio

5. Can't wait to try this Pinterest look for Style Statement Tuesday!
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Happy weekend, sweet peas!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's OK

It's Thursday. While we are one day away from the weekend, it's 25 degrees outside, and  I'm grumpy. Which is why I thought an "It's OK" post was appropriate.

It's OK...

that the bed probably won't be made when I get home today. It's not going to kill me.

that I didn't go to yoga last night, because I'm going tonight and tomorrow night. And Saturday and Sunday for that matter.

for me to be scared about Bourke's surgery next month. That little pup has been with me for 8 years.

that I'm excited to try my new floor cleaner this weekend. Odd, but OK.

to be more excited than words can express about the Real World marathon on MTV this weekend. Seattle 1998 is my favorite season. I was 13 and used to sneak and watch it. Good times.

to count Diet Coke as breakfast.

to not have my shirt tucked in today. I'm going for a boho look. That's my story, anyway.

for you to follow me on bloglovin' by clicking here.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Favorites Under $50

I'm a budget conscious girl. Not by choice really, but only because I'm not from a uber-weathly family, didn't marry rich, and haven't won the lottery.

With today being the first day of spring, I'm sharing the budget love and my favorites under $50. These items are sure to have you and your bank account looking lovely.

Fav under $50

Dress: $25
Black Sandal: $49
Stripe Tee: $24.95
Fedora: $34
Skirt: $24.99
Blue Sandal: $29
Bulldog Tee: $29.95

Please don't get it twisted, if I ever do win the lottery it's Neiman's and Bergdorf's all day every day.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Style Statement Tuesday

In case you forgot, I'm using outfits I found on Pinterest as inspiration these next few weeks. Here is this week's inspiration.

I love the classic look of the button up and sweater paired with the trendy mint skinnies. What? I'm drawn to a button up and a sweater? You're shocked, I know.

I tried to break down what I liked best about the Pinterest outfit and bring it into my version in a way that fit my 'Classic Pretty' style statement. Here is my interpretation.

Sweater, Bracelet, & Skinnies: Target; Button-Up & Heels: Old Navy; Necklace: Double Happiness; Watch: Micheal Kors
 I love the mix of neutral with the mint skinnies and blue top. I also love the polka dots in the Pinterest outfit, but I don't have one similar, so I went with a solid oatmeal colored sweater instead. I think the polka dots look better, but I like my version, too.


Another thing I like about the Pinterest outfit is the necklace detail. Mine is a different style, but it fits me and what I like to wear.


I also chose heels instead of flats because I really need all the help I can get in the height department.


Overall I like the look, but I definitely think the Pinterest outfit is more interesting. Mine is a tad blah. However, it was fun looking at what I already had in my closet and trying to make it work.


What do you think? Link up and share your style!
I'm also linking up here, here, and here.


Monday, March 18, 2013

An engaging story

Tomorrow marks 3 years since Kris and I got engaged. It's crazy to think that it has been that long. It dawned on me that I've never told our engagement story. So, here you go. Happy Monday!

It was March 19, 2010, a Friday. I was in my second year of law school. Kris and I were leaving Knoxville for the weekend and going to spend the night in Atlanta, then go visit our families in middle Tennessee on Saturday and Sunday. We left after my morning class; Business Associations was one of those classes you couldn't afford to miss.

When we got to Atlanta, we went to Lenox Square Mall for some shopping. I'd been wanting these champagne flutes from Crate & Barrel, and Kris bought them for me. Looking back, that was a little unusual. Kris really isn't the type of guy who says "oh let me buy you this." He's great a buying gifts for special occasions, but doesn't normally buy things out of the blue. This should've been a sign that something might be up.

We checked into our hotel, The W Hotel, and we were escorted to our Suite. Again, this should've been a sign. We usually opt for the standard room. We got ready and went to the hotel bar for drinks before dinner.

At the bar, we met this sweet older couple and started chatting. Well, I started chatting. I noticed Kris kept checking the time. I finally asked if he thought we were going to be late for our dinner reservations. He said he couldn't remember exactly when they were, but thought we were running late. I said my goodbyes to the couple.

As we walked away, he said he forgot something in our room. I told him it would be OK, that if we were late we should go ahead and go, what did he forget. He said his Rolaids and he couldn't leave without them. I'm sure I rolled my eyes, and we headed back to the room.

When we walked into the room, I saw rose petals and candles everywhere, and there was a private dinner set up for us. I really could not believe my eyes. Still, I had no idea what was going on. I legit thought he was just trying to make sure the two of us had a romantic evening. Seriously, any other girl in America would have known what was about to happen. Not me. I just thought I had the sweetest boyfriend to go through so much trouble.

After dinner he started what I now know was "the speech." You know, the speech guys make before they ask a girl to marry them. He told me how much he loved me, and our 3 and a half years together meant so much to him. I was just smiling, clueless as to what was about to happen. I can remember interrupting him and telling how nice this all was. It wasn't until he got down on one knee and pulled out the ring that I knew what was happening He asked if I would marry him, and of course, I said yes.

I could not have thought of better way to get engaged. I'm not 100% comfortable with tons of attention, so a private dinner was just perfect. When I woke up the next morning I couldn't believe it had all happened. It was a "pinch me" kind of feeling.  

We were married on October 22, 2011. It was the 5 year anniversary of our first date. We do not have a perfect marriage by any stretch of the imagination; lord knows that is true. Still, 7 years together and I'm still crazy about him.


Friday, March 15, 2013

High Five For Friday!

Another week bites the dust.

What can I say? I'm always so dang happy for the weekend. Not that I ever really do anything, but the idea of having 60+ hours to do whatever the hell I want appeals to me in major way.

Here are 5 things to make you smile on this glorious Friday.

1. Monday had me all outa sorts. I really missed that hour of sleep.

2. We got a new pope! I'm not Catholic, but still, way to represent Argentina!

3. It may come as a surprise to you that I'm not always the glowing beauty you see to your right. After hot yoga, I look a hot mess.
Kandi Burruss; Kim Zolciak
4. Kandi Burruss sued Kim Zolciak for 'Tardy For The Party' profits. Girls, you're both rich, why can't you just play nice and do the right thing?
5. Facebook is trying to implement the hashtag. Uh, can we say #copycat

Linking up for High Five For Friday, happy weekend!
