
Friday, May 16, 2014

Let's Recap

You may (or may not) remember this post from April laying out my goals for the month. Well, now that it's mid May, let's see how I did, shall we?

1. Get my butt back in gear. Hmmm. I've stepped it up a little bit. Maybe. But mostly I'm still lazy. I had a dream someone told me I was getting fat, should maybe I really should get back on the wagon...

2. Read more, watch TV less. Cancelled cable is no natch for me. Although I did download Lean In and I made it through the first chapter, so that's something.

 3. Eat a proper breakfast. Instead of eating Special K bars, now I'm drinking Slim Fast shakes, so...

 4. Buy more platform/wedge shoes. I did buy these shoes, but you'll notice they are neither platform nor wedge.

 5. Be as cool as this guy. Let's face it, I'll never be as cool as this guy. Why try?

Clearly I haven't done so well on accomplishing my goals. Oh well, better luck next month I guess! Have a great weekend!

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