1. Don't buy anything else this month. Jessica, you have plenty of stuff. Stop it with the stuff.
2. Try a little harder. In everything, just try a little harder.
3. Reach my fitbit step goal (10k) 4 out of every 7 days.
4. Have a dedicated date night this month. It's been too long. This is an important one.
5. Give the house a really good cleaning. The cleaning lady is great, but she shouldn't be the only one tidying up. I've definitely been slacking this summer. Am I the only one who finds drifts of dust all over the place?
6. Plan work week outfits. I've been wearing black dress pants + random blouse about
7. Clean out my closet/dresser and rid it of items that don't fit or that I no longer wear.
8. Clean my car inside and out. (Wow. there is a lot of cleaning on this list)
9. Drink a pumpkin spice latte because they are just so good! I drink a few PSLs this time of year, but always nonfat with no whip, BUT I allow myself one full fat with whip cream.
10. Frame and hang the new art for the house. That buffalo print is too beautiful to be hidden in the closet.
One more for good measure...Find a church. This is perhaps the most important goal this month.